Band Governance
The Manager acts as Registrar for the Membership Code and the Residency Law.
Any person, including children who are registered i.e. status and are affiliated with our First Nation must apply for membership to be eligible for benefits related to Pikwakanagan i.e. education, residency etc.
Anyone wishing to reside in Pikwakanagan must apply and be granted permission to do so. This applies to anyone, whether a member or not.
Status Cards
We issue the laminated cards from our office for our members as well as members from other First Nations with permission.
Please call to book an appointment to ensure availability. You must bring two (2) pieces of identification and fee of five (5) dollars for members or a fee of twenty (20) dollars for members from other First Nations. We can take the picture within office for the Certificate of Indian Status card unless you prefer to bring your own.
To apply for the Secure Certificate of Indian Status Card, please click the link and scroll to Status Card:
Indian Registration
We act as Indian Registrar Administrator on behalf of Indigenous Affairs. The application for a status card is now included in the Application for Indian Registration. There are instructions within the application outlining what is required to submit.
We can assist in completing the forms before submission to Indigenous Service Canada for processing. Please note, Indigenous Service Canada makes the final decision on who is entitled to registration.
We cannot take the responsibility of any original document being lost in the mail or by INAC.
more information and applications for status cards and registration can be found at:
Membership Code
When a person is successful in being registered under the Indian Act and obtains a registration number, it is determined by Indigenous Service Canada on which First Nation that person is affiliated with. When a person is registered status affiliated with Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, membership is not automatic.
The application must include a family tree indicating where the Algonquin lineage is, proof of registration, and anyone 18 years and older must provide a Police Information Record (does not have to be a vulnerable sector check).
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation determines our own membership and one must apply by completing the application and meet the criteria in accordance with our Membership Code.