

We are one of many caretakers of all living things on this earth. With this in mind, a management plan, the “Algonquin Nation Law” was developed in 1992 to ensure animals and plants remain sustainable and are kept in balance with conservation and safety.

The Algonquin people harvest within their territory ensuring conservation is maintained for the benefit of all and for future generations.  Monitors are employed during the moose, elk and deer season to collect statistical information.

Pikwakanagan implements a moose and elk draw system every year, issues netting and spearing permits as well as special permits for the pow wow feast, geese and stationary vehicle and boat permits.

Harvest Clerk – Lands, Estates & Membership
1657 A Mishomis Inamo
Pikwakanagan, ON
K0J 1X0
T: 613-625-2800
F: 613-625-2332

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