The Mental Health and Addictions Team provides a variety of community-based, culturally appropriate services to children, youth, adults, and the families of Pikwakanagan.
Mental Health and Addictions Services
Mental Health Supervisor | Sandi Wright
Addictions Worker | Gillian McKay EXT: 231
Child and Youth Counsellor | Tiffany Herron EXT: 263
Family & Child Therapist | Ruqqiah Adams EXT: 263
Restorative Justice Worker | Emma Sack
Mental Health
- Individual, family, group and community counselling, referrals, advocacy and support related to mental health
- Client intake, assessments and case management and crisis intervention
- Awareness and prevention strategies
- Navigation
Child and Youth Mental Health
- Services aboriginal children & youth age 0 to 18 years and their families related to mental health
- Intensive services, screening and trauma support
- Awareness and prevention strategies including children and youth groups
- FASD awareness, prevention, and support
- Substance abuse education and prevention strategies
- Counselling, follow up and aftercare
- Problem gambling and smoking cessation program