Our Code has been existence since 1999. We have the right to determine how our Elections for Council are conducted. Our Code has been amendment by referendum to make the intent clearer and to ensure our Rules of Procedures do not conflict with our Code.
The Electoral Report will be included in the Lands, Estates and Membership Annual Report mailed out end of March 2023 and posted in the weekly Newsletter and administration office.
Our Matrimonial Real Property Law was passed by Referendum and is now in the Court in Pembroke. This Law will be used if an agreement cannot be reached between spouses, upon the death of a member spouse and in a divorce proceeding. This law only deals with the Matrimonial Home and how it will be dealt with in the situations described above.
We have our own Residency Law. Anyone wishing to move into Pikwakanagan must obtain permission by completing the application. Even a member must apply. If you are a non-member you must supply a Police Information Record and meet the criteria outlined in the law.
When a person is successful in being registered under the Indian Act and obtains a registration number, it is determined by Indigenous Service Canada on which First Nation that person is affiliated with. When a person is registered status affiliated with Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, membership is not automatic.
The application must include a family tree indicating where the Algonquin lineage is, proof of registration, and anyone 18 years and older must provide a Police Information Record (does not have to be a vulnerable sector check).
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation determines our own membership and one must apply by completing the application and meet the criteria in accordance with our Membership Code.