- To identify and respond to the needs of the First Nation and its citizens;
- To plan and set long-term goals and objectives based on the needs and “Vision” of the First Nation. To ensure that these objectives form the basis of the operations plans for the various organizations reporting to Council, including the Administration;
- To maintain and support an effective Administration, and other staff as required from time to time, to deliver the programs and services approved by Council to meet the needs of the First Nation. To monitor the delivery and progress of these programs against the operations plans approved by Council;
- To demonstrate credible and consistent leadership by:
a) Setting clear standards and policies to be respected by all employees and members of Council;
b) Making critical decisions on a timely basis;
c) Setting a consistent example as “role models” for the First Nation, both internally and externally. - To represent the best interest of the First Nation in all external dealings and relationships;
- To ensure that all citizens are treated in a fair and just manner with regard to Algonquin laws, regulations and policies; and
- To avoid any conflict of interest, real or perceived, an individual member of Council cannot be an employee of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan.
Chief and Council are responsible for various portfolios within the First Nation. The First Nation has several Standing Committees and at least one member of Council is on each committee. The committees consist of: Health and Social; Education; Finance; Personnel and General Administration; Lands, Estates and Membership; Economic Development, Housing and Archaeology. The committees provide guidance and a process for planning and decision making for the First Nation.