Our childcare facility is licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Education, Child Care Early Years Act, 2014. We are licensed to care for 10 toddlers aged 18 months to 2 ½ years and 24 preschoolers aged 2 ½ years to 5 years of age. Our program includes:
- Registered Early Childhood Educators
- Algonquin Language Instructor
- Traditional Teachings through storytelling, dance, smudge, traditional games, drumming, songs and crafts
- Special Needs Resource Worker
- How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years
- Seven Grandfather Teachings
- Daily Routine and Child-Initiated activities – indoors and outdoors
- Field Trips & Visitors
Mindiwin Manido
83B Kagagamin Inamo
Pikwakanagan, ON, Canada
K0J 1X0
T: 613-625-2047
F: 613-625-2332