Transportation to and from Eganville & District Public School and St. James Catholic School, Eganville, ON, Opeongo High School, Douglas, ON and Summer School program in Eganville, ON is provided by the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation.
Shelley Wilcox, Manager, Education
(613) 625-2800 ext 239 Administration Office
Anne Andrews, Bus Driver – EDPS
Kaitlyn Luckovitch, Bus Monitor
William Dick, Bus Monitor
Ron Jollymore, Bus Driver – Opeongo High School, St. James, and EPDS
Services contracted by Randy Commanda Bus Lines
Eligibility and Registration
- Students requiring bus transportation services must be a resident of Pikwakanagan. Proof of residency can be obtained from the Lands, Estates & Membership Department.
- Registration Forms must be completed.
Designated Bus Stops & Schedules
- Bus stops and schedules are available to parents and/or guardians in August.
- The bus schedules are developed around class start and end times:
IMPORTANT: Junior/Senior Kindergarten, and Grade 1 parents/guardians are to ensure that an adult is at the bus stop to meet your child. If there is no adult at the stop to meet student, the bus driver will return them to the Administration Office at 1657A Mishomis Inamo, Pikwakanagan for parent pick-up.
There may be times during the school year when it is necessary for the safety of our children to cancel student transportation services due to mechanical issues or bad weather (i.e. snow, freezing rain, floods, emergency road closures, etc.).
AoPFN will also provide information on bus cancellations and/or delays via the links provided below.
In a situation where school buses are cancelled schools remain open to students.
When transportation is cancelled in the morning, it is cancelled for the whole day. If you choose to bring your child to school, you are responsible for their return home after school.
This Article can be found on the following pages: Education, you may find other valuable infomation there.